Grinding Concepts

Four different grinding levels


HTC Superfloor™ Platinum

Platinum produces the glossiest finish and is the concept we normally recommend to our customers. It involves more grinding stages than the other concepts. The result is an unbeatably durable floor. Truck wheels and substances leave no marks on the glossy surface and light reflects gently off the floor.


HTC Superfloor™ Gold

Using the Gold concept, you do not grind as deep into the concrete as with Platinum. This means that less ballast is exposed. Just like the other concepts, Gold then involves polishing the floor with HTC Twister™ to achieve a gloss that is almost as brilliant as a Platinum finish. Gold produces a floor with excellent resistance to marks from truck wheels, etc. HTC Superfloor™ Gold is ideal for concrete floors that are already even and level.


HTC Superfloor™ Silver

The Silver concept is a version of Platinum. Using this concept, you grind as deep into the concrete as with Platinum, but do not polish it. The ballast is exposed as with Platinum. Silver is therefore excellent if you want a floor with a matt surface finish.


HTC Superfloor™ Bronze

Bronze is the concept with the least number of grinding and polishing stages. This concept does not involve exposing the construction concrete. Instead, the top layer of the surface paste is polished but not removed. This process creates a stronger surface paste with a shiny finish.